Category: Uncategorized

  • Five – no, Six Years Later

    I just graduated from the University of Utah with my MA in US History this past May. Learned more than I thought I would and am thinking about how to continue this blog or whether I should stop it. Blogs are so passe. It’s all Instagram and Twitter and Facebook now. But I also have…

  • Experiencing the Book of Mormon

    One of the first things to understand about the Book of Mormon is that it’s a history. As Nephi explains, it’s account of the ministry of the peoples of the Book of Mormon. Because of that, most of the book is story based, but not just any stories. These are accounts specifically included to lead…

  • Molecular Me

    In honor of the new book I’m writing, I’ve started a new blog! It’s about molecular biology, which I love. But I will keep it pretty narrow to that topic and probably not start musing about writing or mothering, or knitting (have I mused about that yet? Don’t think so). You can find it here:…

  • Transhumanism and Mormonism

    I’ve been doing some developing of a novel that will feature a devout Mormon family, faced with questions of personhood, the singularity, etc. Writing it in reaction to such novels as Accelerando by Charles Stross. I’m a little tired of cynical, secular (and somewhat anti-religious) singularity novels. That fact is, devout religious people will still…

  • Storytelling more effective than preaching

    Ran across an interesting article at Science Daily Ironic Effects of Anti-Predjudice Message The summary is that after reading literature (controlling language) that told people they shouldn’t be predjudice, talking about all the negative consequences, people were MORE likely to engage in predjudism later on. But if they read literature describing a person’s positive experiences…

  • The changing culture of jobs

    Besides running Geekatplay, Vladimir is a UI geek. He’s a good one too. One of the few that keeps up the art and the programming side of things. The programming sides of things is constantly changing. Technologies improve and grow and the programmers have to follow. A big indicator of how up to date a programmer or…

  • Domestic women writers

    Feminist Science Fiction Writer I guess that’s what I am. I believe in equality for women, and I write science fiction. I think we need to celebrate women who write science fiction and fantasy. But I’m also a stay at home mom, with four kids. Four brilliant, gifted children. This takes time from my day. I’ve been married…

  • Morning wakeup call

    A pretty shirt. That was all I’d wanted. Some little extra bit of pizazz for Conduit, the local science fiction convention. I decided this on the way back home from dropping kids off to school before I picked up my husband for our youngest’s kindergarten graduation. The home to school commute is half an hour. The month…

  • Epic Rain

    In the mornings, I often write and work from my car while I wait for my kindergartener to get out. It’s quieter than in the super cool school which is half an hour away from my house. The thing about working in the car is that the decor is determined by the weather. (And, unfortunately,…

  • Geeks parenting non-geeks and vice versa

    Our family had a great get together with the family of friend of mine, Kirsten. During the discussion, my middling daughter said that compared to the rest of her family she wasn’t geek, but compared to everyone else, she was. This brings up something that I hope we have become attuned to. She feels different,…