Category: Uncategorized

  • A cantakerous review of a snack

    What a morning! At least I got my now wimpy jog in at the beginning. But my mood is still cranky, so I’ll take it out on a huge corporation that helped my morning be less than perfect. So, Emerald snacks has this “breakfast on the go!” thing that I’ve been curious about. It’s always…

  • Goodbye to my Grandad

    He was 94 years old. He’d been on hospice for over a year and a half. During that time, he broke his hip and got it fixed – with congestive heart failure – and lived several more months. He wasn’t bed ridden until the last ten or so days. The last thing I remember of…

  • Almost finished with my book

    When the writing gets intense, I tend to stop writing here. This summer I had to prepare for Siggraph, and then finish my book. Of course there was time for here, but sometimes when I get stressed, my wonder is “What to blog about?” And then there is Facebook. I have actually written a couple…

  • Just a Movie at Home: Sherlock Holmes

    Vladimir bought the Sherlock Holmes Blu-ray about two weeks ago. Nearly every night since then he said, “I want to watch Sherlock Holmes tonight.” And nearly every night we pretty much ignored him, or told him it was too late, or something. Okay, to be honest we’d seen the movie before and so weren’t very…

  • A bit of nonsense about womanhood.

    I wonder, should I take great pains to create an essay or just blog my feelings on this whole womanhood thing? The fact that I’m starting out with that question should give you the answer. I’m in the mood to spill my feelings, not organize them all into neat little packets that carefully lead the…

  • Four submissions! Woot!

    Today, I submitted four stories. Okay, two are on my desk in their envelopes because the mail man had a holiday (which they need like every other human being). Those stories will be in the mailbox tomorrow morning and off to Asimovs and Fantasy and Science Fiction. The other two went to Clarkesworld and Abyss and…

  • Evenstar Mystery Shawl

    I first saw this at Three Wishes Fiber Arts. A bunch of swatches called Evenstar. Too much for me, I though. Lace, never done it. Only been knitting six weeks. But then I got onto Ravelry and was caught in the net. This is a shawl, a mystery project where we don’t know what we’re…

  • Picking up a dropped stitch

    Nanowrimo was my last post. I got four serviceable stories done before the crush of November with its birthdays fell upon me. I need to confirm, but I suspect there is often a gap in my blog around this time of year. Since then, I’ve gotten the book contract, I’ve managed and enjoyed the holidays,…

  • Nanowrimo so far

    Well, I haven’t signed up on the site, maybe I should, but I’m getting there. Finished my first story/chapter on Monday, but yesterday was writing group which took up 3 hours, but was still very useful. Will push through today with as much as I can.

  • I’ve got a secret

    Got really good news today that I can’t talk about just yet.