Category: It’s a beautiful life

  • Why it’s so quiet here

    There are a lot of reasons. A) I’m sick of focusing on myself. And blogs – especially writer blogs focused on self promotion (no matter their subject) do that, a lot. Also, so does Facebook. Anyone who knows me on Facebook knows I’ve gone pretty much silent there. B) I’m mother to my children and…

  • On the abuse of women in general, response to someone named Tom

    I got a surprising response from a post of mine from 2007. Here is the post: The Abuse of Russian Women The links were broken, I added a couple of new ones. This is the comment.  I personally think your husband’s mother is the lowest type of human being. She picked her husband. She should stay…

  • Are Mormons too conforming and uniform?

    I’m way behind the times, I know. But as you know, I’ve been getting my house in order. When I watched the recent  “Rock Center: Mormon in America”  they asked if our strict code of conduct meant we were too uniform and conforming. I liked how it was answered by the wife in the family…

  • A House of Order, Mostly

    If you like science, go check out my other blog, Molecular Me. I just put a post there today. In my last post, I said I needed to get the basement clean. Well, I did. The cold storage, the second kitchen (which was being used as “just go put that there” storage), the office, the…

  • Life gets away with you sometimes

    My silences in this blog can be for several reasons. I have a couple of chronic pain issues and sometimes, it overwhelms a bit. I also don’t like to talk about it, so when they flare up and take some brain power (leading to a bit of depression especially in late winter), I stop talking…

  • My seedlings are up!

    I saw my first basil seedlings yesterday morning and this morning, I’ve seen my tomatoes! The next step is to put them under some grow lights. I was looking around for a shop light for this purpose, but then Vladimir reminded me that he already had some for our garage studio (yes, we’ve made movies…

  • I ate dirt

    Well, actually, tasted it. I read that it was what farmers used to do to test pH. It was just a bit sweet, which means my soil is the pH I thought it was: fairly neutral but slightly alkaline. My basil seedlings just germinated! I went to a class today on starting seedlings, and I…

  • Starting a garden, and a garden journal

    March 16, 2012 I’m starting a garden. It’s been a few years since I grew one, not counting the container tomatoes last year. All of my efforts have met with limited success. Lack of experience, lack of keeping up with daily tasks, and a lack of long term commitment. A few years ago I just…

  • The Wizard of Real Life

    I was talking to some friends today while doing my weekly school volunteer stint, about what it is like to be an adult. We weren’t being particularly serious or philosophical. Mostly joking about how we used to yearn to be an adult, and how the things we saw adults do seem magic. We used to…

  • Blue Moon Ranch and live alpacas

    I had decided that my stargazing, herding culture would herd alpacas instead of sheep. Just to be different and because I’d read they were very intelligent and social. Sounds like a nice group for my very philosophical, regretful culture who are looking forward to the day they can redeem themselves from a genocide and get…