Category: Blogging

  • Why it’s so quiet here

    There are a lot of reasons. A) I’m sick of focusing on myself. And blogs – especially writer blogs focused on self promotion (no matter their subject) do that, a lot. Also, so does Facebook. Anyone who knows me on Facebook knows I’ve gone pretty much silent there. B) I’m mother to my children and…

  • Writing in a Journal

    Writing in a Journal

    I got a journal when I was 12 years old. I didn’t write regularly in it, but enough is there to bring me back to that time and attitude. One entry, March 3, 1984, on the second day of having the flu, started out with this: Today was just as bad a day, except maybe a…

  • Pressing Forward

    Pressing Forward

    I’ve been a bit hesitant to jump back into this. Even with several posts in my buffer, I’m nervous. Yet I can’t shake the feeling that now is the time. So, here is the re-inaugural post: The lost two years of this blog, when I wrote in it, focused on moving my career forward. But a…

  • Hello world! Again!

    Okay, it’s still morning, so I can say “Good Morning World!” A new dawn after my blog apocalypse. My dear husband, Vladimir, found an old backup. Our previous provider, very well known, is proving again and again that they just don’t care about their customers. They used to be good, and we used to recommend…

  • Please excuse my dust

    I’m redoing the theme of my blog. It may be messy for a while, especially since I have a lot else on my plate. – Hmmm, the redo of the blog got LOST in the Blog Crash of 2015. So as of April, it’s messy again. Here’s to finding a better theme.  

  • Life gets away with you sometimes

    My silences in this blog can be for several reasons. I have a couple of chronic pain issues and sometimes, it overwhelms a bit. I also don’t like to talk about it, so when they flare up and take some brain power (leading to a bit of depression especially in late winter), I stop talking…

  • Vladimir has a blog!

    My husband isn’t much of a writer, though he is a great story teller. As many know, he is also an artist and is responsible for most of the artwork in our book, Vue 7 From the Ground Up. So his blog is mostly pictures he has created, though he’ll write a few things too.…

  • Getting some zing at BYU

    So yesterday I was just at BYU at the Life, the Universe, and Everything convention. The attendance was incredible. I usually don’t get to go to these things because they fall right on a weekend near my middle daughter’s birthday, which is when the party has to be. But I asked this year if she…

  • Acute publishing crisis

    Hey all, Like to read? Wanna buy my book someday? Buy a book. Like, now… I was thinking about going a different direction than I sometimes do, this Christmas. I’ll probably do what I usually do. Predictable and yet, always a surprise. Actually, it can take a long time for me to shop for…

  • Mountain Con: the zest and the zing of writing

    This is my report of Mountain Con. Unfortunately I was only able to attend one day, but it was a great one. I’m going to give a shout out to all the goodness I experienced. So if you don’t really care what happened at the con, you can stop after this paragraph and take this…