Okay, it’s still morning, so I can say “Good Morning World!”
A new dawn after my blog apocalypse. My dear husband, Vladimir, found an old backup.
Our previous provider, very well known, is proving again and again that they just don’t care about their customers. They used to be good, and we used to recommend them a couple of years ago, but no longer. If you’re on the lookout for blog or forum space, you can ask me and I’ll tell you who to steer clear of.
Hmm, no longer morning, so:
Good Afternoon!
Anyway, I’ve lost about 2 years, and images, but I had started writing and saving most of my posts on my computer. Still, it feels weird to repost them. An old recent post says pardon my dust. I was in the middle of my blog redesign and hadn’t finished.
And here I am, needing to redesign. Having several new posts already written, but not quite yet ready to unveil them, want a good buffer. What’s on my mind? LDS history and scholarship; family history; family values, cultural impacts on women, children, and family. It’s all connected.
Books that have impacted me recently (besides the scriptures which are a constant) include Arthur Henry King’s “Abundance of the Heart”, Elder David Bednar’s “Increase in Learning” and “Act in Doctrine” (will be reading the third, “Power to Become” in that trilogy soon), Rough Stone Rolling by Richard Bushman, and Women at Church by Neylan McBaine.
What I’ve been doing: I was volunteering and then was hired on at my son’s school. Hence, little time. But summer comes soon and I’ll have much more time then, in between more house and yard fixing up. Last summer, I spent almost all of my time working on our floor and kitchen, and didn’t quite get finished before school started again. Garden has suffered, but the house fixing will soon be done.
In fact, yard work was what I was going to do, but it’s been raining all day.
Life just keeps pushing forward, no question, so there’s no question but to move onward!
May life be good for you,