Category: Blogging

  • Blogging and writing news: your input

    This website is just a blog right now, but I have several things I need it to become for me. I need it to be some place I can point people to that shows me as an author. I need to link to to where my work is published. The blog will be a part of…

  • What is good religion?

    It’s always fun to meet people on the web, and someone I’ve met through his kind enthusiasm for my work is Rich. I recently checked his blog, and he has a posted a great chapter in the book he is co-authoring with is father, on what good religion is.  Being of the same religion, we of course…

  • Is Reiki religion or science?

    The claim has been made that Reiki is not a religion, but is evidence based medicine. So I decided to compare it to both religion and medicine to see where it fit best. I think I’m a pretty good choice to do the comparison since I am both religious and scientifically minded. I hope this…

  • The mind/body connection

    There has been an interesting discussion about complementary and alternative medicine between bloggers Lynn and #1 Dinosaur. One thing I’d like to point out in this discussion is why the mind/body connection is not alternative medicine. By alternative medicine, I mean therapies that patients pursue that have little to no scientific backing. It is not because doctors or…

  • Now I’m really wired into fitness

    Actually, it’s mostly wireless. Except the ipod. 50 minutes today with that ipod (finished a book), my HR monitor strap, HR watch, and the data recorder on the stationary bike. Then some stretching. Okay. This heart rate monitor thing is more awesome than I thought it would be. During the workout, the data recorder picks up the…

  • It seems there really is some junkfood in Sandy’s science.

    Nearly a year ago I posted something about Sandy Szwarc at Junkfood Science. As the months rolled by, my reservations grew. I started seeing her doing a lot of out of context quoting, leaving important information out of her analyses that would have contradicted her argument. But all the family docs and medbloggers I respected…

  • The gap in my posting

    I guess I just started up again, like I hadn’t left a huge 6 week gap in my posting. For a while, in fact, I had thought that maybe I was going to leave off blogging completely. This was the it. My site would, until I needed the intense fan/author interface when I got published,…

  • Bloggy movie writerly news

    Take a look on the side and you’ll notice I’ve added Vladimir’s link to my blogroll a bit ago. He finally has a blog! It’s a technical blog where he talks about Geekatplay Studio releases and such.   ***** In honor of Talk Like a Pirate Day, The Pirate movie is finished: Vladimir is the pirate and…

  • It’s a piratical day

    You know, I like pirates. The movie was fun, the whole “Talk like a pirate day” is cool. But I’m not obsessed with them. So the Russian love of my life has decided to pirate my talent for to create a chanty about, what else, a Russian pirate! He’s doing this all backwards. He made…

  • “The Language of God”

    I’m almost finished with “The Language of God” by Francis Collins. I’m surprised that Sam Harris has accused it of striking a blow against science. And yet not. I haven’t read any of Harris’ books, but I imagine he would have been unable to read this book without a crippling amount of antagonism. I do…